Welcome to UM System Community Connect.
智东西早报:高通推首款7nm电脑芯片 首款国产量子计算机 ...:2021-12-7 · 原标题:智东西早报:高通推首款7nm电脑芯片首款国产量子计算机控制系统诞生「智东西」早报第1108期2021.12.07周五#今日要闻#1、高通推出全球首款7nm电脑芯片骁龙8cx智东西12月6日夏威夷报道,高通推出全球首款7nm笔记本电脑芯片骁龙 ...
We are proud to share some of our engagements with our communities as well as our impact across the state.

Extra Credit Film Series
Extra Credit is a once-a-month movie series featuring a panel of MU researchers who expand on some aspect of a movie relation to their research and creative activities. This event also features a Q&A with the audience, and is a collaboration between The Connector and Ragtag Cinema.

St. Louis Public Radio
St. Louis Public Radio is a news organization and NPR member station. St. Louis Public Radio exists “to help people become deeply informed about the issues that affect their lives, better prepared to make decisions and more engaged in our community.”
More in Collaboration

Community Music Program
Over the course of the summer, the School of Music offered two online programs taught by graduate and undergraduate music students.

Extra Credit Film Series
Extra Credit is a once-a-month movie series featuring a panel of MU researchers who expand on some aspect of a movie relation to their research and creative activities. This event also features a Q&A with the audience, and is a collaboration between The Connector and Ragtag Cinema.
More in Education

MLK Day of Service
东北网2021年06月02日新闻汇总:中国网络文学发展迅猛 写手年收入高达数百万 2021-06-02 10:50 [742][东北网读书] 剑桥大学出版社全球总裁:给西方看纯中国 2021-06-02 10:50 [743][东北网读书] “宇粉”共享《大宇神秘惊奇》的作者签名 2021-06-02 10:50 [744][东北网国内]

As the bedrock of the Community Innovation and Action Center at UMSL’s emerging portfolio of strategies to strengthen the region’s many community partnerships and coalitions, Thread STL is a community of practice that brings together partnership leaders for facilitated peer-to-peer connection, coaching, and problem solving.
More in Nonprofit

Missouri S&T will offer online professional development to assist geoscientists and mining, geological, metallurgical, and other engineers to comply with recent updated ethics and regulatory standards set by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.

Leadership Academy in Character Education (LACE™)
LACE™ is a complex and comprehensive year-long professional development experience for school leaders focused on character education.
More in Professional Development
Student Programs

MLK Day of Service
A day of service on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the MLK Day of Service volunteer event is coordinated by UMSL students in collaboration with several community agencies and service organizations.

Languages KCMO School District Internship for UMKC students
UMKC students interested in foreign language education can intern at language immersion programs at the KCMO School Districts, tutoring students and assisting teachers.
More in Student Programs
Youth Programming

Community Music Program
Over the course of the summer, the School of Music offered two online programs taught by graduate and undergraduate music students.

World Languages Day at UMSL
The Department of Language and Cultural Studies at UMSL annually hosts World Languages Day. The event presents an opportunity for advanced language students at the high school level to visit campus and interact with each other and language student volunteers from UMSL.
More in Youth Programming

UM System Map
Explore UM System properties, Extension offices, hospitals and Presidential Engagement Fellows statewide
MO Source Link
MOSourceLink connects entrepreneurs and small business owners with a network of nonprofit resource organizations that provide business-building services